MACDS Values


As we support member organizations to provide extraordinary services to people with disabilities, we are guided by our commitment to the following values:

No one is less than.

The time has come to recognize and begin to challenge the exclusion and marginalization of people with disabilities. MACDS believes that everyone in the community benefits when we work together to confront and rewrite the narrative of what “disability” means.

Everyone is represented.

We believe that every voice, whatever form it may take, must be heard. Every person can be supported to pursue opportunities to engage in advocating on issues of importance to them. Where we are called on to speak on behalf of others, we seek to faithfully convey their message with respect, objectivity and understanding.

Diversity is treasured.

Each unique individual is to be honored and highly regarded as a part of the richness of our shared humanity. Every one of us has unlimited potential within us. Communities are strengthened when all differences, regardless of label, are acknowledged, welcomed, understood, and applauded.

Empowerment and participation bring about change.

We know that inclusion is just the beginning. Throughout their lives, everyone deserves to have access to resources, information, and opportunities that allow them to be involved, contribute, advocate, and participate in their communities, to the extent they choose.

Innovation is critical.

The ongoing work to achieve our vision involves confronting widespread and often unspoken beliefs that disability means deficiency, inadequacy, or inability. We continually challenge our own assumptions, practices, and ways of thinking in order to open up new possibilities and solutions that enrich people’s lives. We are willing to look beyond the expected in order to create something truly extraordinary that has a positive impact on our member organizations and the people we serve.

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